17 cool completely made-up planet names
Need some made-up planet names? You might be writing a story, or creating a game, or playing an online roleplaying game with friends.
Maybe your characters are space adventurers, & they discover a new planet. Not sure what to name it? Here’s some planet name ideas.
These planet names have been created by a random generator, & are completely unique.
- Taton IV
- Beta Duninax 233
- Amaddon Aton
- The moon of Ibda Galadaldi 9
- The ringed planet of Aeruria Xioavera
- Zemlox 3
- The ghost world of Tampidor 274
- Beta Winos
- Wimomi Kepdai XV
- Omega Tidenopia 185
- The lava world of Beda V
- Wonbongo VII
- Zeta Ploangalia Camplox 302
- Merclon II
- Alpha Narangalia 8
- Tapanellia
- The ancient planet of Dikartes 118
To make up some more random planet names, use the Random Planet Name Generator.