Random Story Idea Generator
We created this random story idea generator to provide inspiration to science fiction writers, roleplayers, or game makers. While a little imagination is required (as is 99.9% of the creative process), we hope you will find it a useful way to slap your muse around the face and engage your creativity.
The generator will display randomly generated sci-fi plot ideas, useful for short stories, or maybe to inspire a full novel. Simply press the button for more ideas.
Sci-fi Story ideas
A large alien armada arrives in Earth orbit. The aliens broadcast a message to the world, saying that they intend to let us join their intergalactic Federation.
A story about a tired military general who has to protect the German Prime Minister, from a gang of psycho gamers with a weapon that can erase someone from history.
Two athletes become stranded on a hot continent. When they run out of supplies, one is forced to eat the other to survive.
When an unwashed hispanic man is imprisoned by terrorists in an abandoned soviet prison, he builds a teleporter using instructions scratched into the wall.
In an abandoned shipyard, the crew of The Star of El-Baz explores the bones of a dead alien giant.
When two flamboyant gangsters fall in love, they are forbidden to see each other. They decide to declare war on their culture.
Inside a black hole, the crew of The Royal Malone explores the bones of a dead alien giant.
A story about two white guys who risk death for the hand of a beautiful woman.
After doing battle with an enemy spaceship in a remote star system, The EAS Yuri crash-lands on a desert planet. When the surviving crew scout the area around the crash site, they are surprised to discover that the enemy vessel has also crashed. The two crews will have to work together to survive.
A large alien armada arrives in Earth orbit. The aliens broadcast a message to the world, saying that they intend to heal all our sick. For a price.
A story about two young girls who go head to head in a race to build their own spaceships.
On Neptune, the crew of The EAS Sioux explores a temple where a god-like being grants them 3 wishes.
A story about a sad drug dealer who steals an unstoppable army of robots & has to escape with it.
When a successful astronaut is kidnapped & imprisoned in the brig of a spacestation, he is imprisoned for 15 years, then realises it was all an implanted memory for a crime he committed.
After a number of suspicious deaths aboard a European spaceship, a flamboyant talkshow host is suspected of murder.